Das britische Fachmagazin „The Grocer“ hat unter den Top 10 der besten Verpackungsinnovationen 2017 am Verpackungskonzept Lock-Well den 4. Platz verleiht
Die Jury lobte das recyclingfähige Verpackungskonzept, das aus einer aufgefalteten, ultraleichten Wellpappe besteht, die mit Hilfe einer Aufrichtmaschine zu einem Tray geformt wird. Der vollständige Text kann unten gefunden werden.
“Everyone loves warm cookies – which might be the best thing about these display trays from Lock-Well. They’re made from a flat die-cut sheet of ultra lightweight corrugated paper (which makes the trays super-light but also super-stable), folded into a ready-to-use tray, with or without a variable number of compartments to show off biscuits, sweets, chocolates and more. They’re 100% recyclable and far more eco-friendly than a typical plastic tray. They’re also versatile in terms of shape and size and suitable for any number of different finishes. But where it gets really clever is that a PET silicone coating applied to the display tray means it can be slid into an oven and used as a baking tray (up to 220C) so any bakery or supermarket counter can offer warmed or freshly baked goods with a minimum of fuss.”
Lock-Well® ist eine Gesamtentwicklung von PilloPak en Schut Systems